90 gallon aquarium fish suggestions

Welcome to our guide on 90 gallon aquarium fish suggestions! If you’re looking to create a vibrant and thriving aquatic ecosystem in your home, a 90 gallon tank is a fantastic option. With plenty of space to accommodate a diverse range of fish species, you can create the perfect environment for your finned friends to thrive.

In this section, we will provide an overview of our top picks for 90 gallon aquarium fish. From community fish to cichlids, schooling fish, bottom-dwellers, and aggressive fish, we will cover a range of options to suit your preferences and skill level.

Key Takeaways:

  • A 90 gallon aquarium is a great option for creating a diverse and thriving aquatic ecosystem in your home.
  • Our top picks for 90 gallon aquarium fish include community fish, cichlids, schooling fish, bottom-dwellers, and aggressive fish.
  • Choosing the right fish species for your 90 gallon tank requires consideration of compatibility, behavior, and care requirements.

Understanding the 90 Gallon Aquarium

Before we dive into the specific fish suggestions for a 90 gallon aquarium, it’s important to understand the size and capacity of this large tank. The 90 gallon aquarium is a great option for intermediate to experienced aquarists who are looking to house a variety of fish species and create a visually captivating aquarium.

The tank dimensions of a 90 gallon aquarium typically measure 48 inches in length, 18 inches in width, and 24 inches in height. This size provides ample space for fish to swim, hide, and explore. Additionally, the high water volume of a 90 gallon tank allows for consistent water temperatures and dilutes toxins, creating a more stable and healthier environment for your fish.

It’s important to note that while a 90 gallon tank may offer more flexibility in terms of the types of fish species you can keep, it also requires a larger filtration system and more maintenance than smaller tanks. Be sure to carefully research the specific care requirements of the fish species you choose for your 90 gallon aquarium and regularly test and maintain water parameters.

Overall, a 90 gallon aquarium is an excellent choice for hobbyists looking to house a diverse range of fish and create a stunning aquatic display in their home.

90 gallon aquarium

Community Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

Community fish are a great addition to any aquarium, especially a 90 gallon tank. These peaceful fish can coexist harmoniously with each other and create a visually stunning display. Here are our top picks for the best community fish for a 90 gallon aquarium:

Fish Behavior Compatibility Care Level
Neon Tetra Schooling fish Peaceful, compatible with other small community fish Easy
Platy Sociable fish, active during the day Peaceful, compatible with other small community fish Easy
Guppy Active and playful fish Peaceful, compatible with other small community fish Easy
Harlequin Rasbora Schooling fish, active during the day Peaceful, compatible with other small community fish Easy

These community fish are all peaceful and can coexist with each other in a community tank. Neon tetras, platies, and guppies are all popular choices for their ease of care and breeding. Harlequin rasboras, on the other hand, are known for their vibrant colors and active behavior.

When choosing community fish for your 90 gallon aquarium, it’s important to pay attention to their behavior and compatibility. Avoid keeping aggressive or territorial fish with peaceful community fish, as this can lead to stress and potential harm to the fish. It’s also important to ensure that the water parameters and diet requirements for each fish species are compatible with each other.

Community Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium Image

Overall, community fish can create a lively and captivating display in your 90 gallon aquarium. By choosing peaceful and compatible fish, you can ensure a harmonious environment for your fish to thrive in.

Cichlids for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

For those looking to add a splash of color and personality to their 90 gallon aquarium, cichlids are an excellent choice. These fish come in a range of vibrant hues and display fascinating behaviors that make them an intriguing addition to any tank. However, not all cichlids are suitable for a 90 gallon aquarium, so it’s crucial to choose the right species and consider their compatibility with other fish in the tank.

African Cichlids

African cichlids are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts and can add a stunning visual element to a 90 gallon tank. With their bold colors and unique patterns, they are sure to catch the eye. However, African cichlids can be territorial and aggressive, so it’s important to choose compatible tankmates carefully.

Cichlid Species Behavior Compatibility
Electric Yellow Cichlid Aggressive, but can coexist with other semi-aggressive cichlids Other African cichlids
Johanni Cichlid Can be aggressive with other males, but peaceful with females Other African cichlids, mbunas
Red Zebra Cichlid Aggressive, but can coexist with other semi-aggressive cichlids Other African cichlids

It’s important to note that African cichlids prefer hard water and a higher pH level than other fish species, so it’s crucial to maintain suitable water parameters. They also require a rocky environment to hide and establish their territory, so providing ample hiding spaces is essential.

South American Cichlids

South American cichlids are known for their unique personalities and vibrant colors. They are generally more peaceful than African cichlids, making them a suitable choice for a community tank setting. However, it’s still important to choose compatible tankmates, as some South American cichlids can be territorial.

Cichlid Species Behavior Compatibility
Angelfish Peaceful with other non-aggressive fish species Tetras, corydoras, discus
Electric Blue Acara Peaceful Tetras, corydoras, other peaceful fish
Keyhole Cichlid Peaceful, but can be territorial during breeding season Other peaceful fish, tetras, rasboras

South American cichlids generally prefer slightly acidic water and a softer pH level than African cichlids. They require ample hiding spaces, such as caves or plants, to establish their territory and feel secure in the tank.

Whether you choose African or South American cichlids for your 90 gallon aquarium, it’s crucial to provide suitable tankmates and maintain appropriate water parameters. With the right care and attention, cichlids can thrive and add a stunning visual element to your tank.

Cichlids in a 90 gallon aquarium

Schooling Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

Schooling fish are a beautiful and lively addition to a 90 gallon aquarium. These fish are known for their active behavior and their tendency to swim in groups, adding a captivating element to your tank. Here are some of the best schooling fish for a 90 gallon aquarium:

Fish Species Behavior Preferred Water Conditions Tankmates
Neon Tetras Peaceful and easy to care for, these fish stay in tightly packed schools and add a vibrant pop of color to your tank. Soft, slightly acidic water with plenty of plants and hiding spots. Other small, peaceful community fish.
Rainbowfish Active and social fish that come in a variety of colors. They prefer to swim in groups and add personality to your aquarium. Neutral to slightly alkaline water with lots of plants and open swimming space. Other non-aggressive community fish.
Rasboras Easy-going and non-aggressive, these fish are perfect for beginners. They form tight schools and have a metallic sheen that is visually appealing. Slightly acidic to neutral water with plenty of plants and open swimming space. Other peaceful community fish.

When choosing schooling fish for your 90 gallon aquarium, it’s important to consider their preferred water conditions and tankmates. Keep in mind that some schooling fish may be more sensitive to water parameters, so make sure to monitor the tank regularly. Adding a variety of schooling fish can create a diverse and active ecosystem in your aquarium.

School of fish in aquarium

Adding schooling fish to your 90 gallon aquarium can enhance the visual appeal and provide an active and lively element to your tank.

Bottom-Dwelling Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

If you’re looking to add some diversity to your 90 gallon aquarium, bottom-dwelling fish are a must-have. These fish typically dwell near the substrate and add a unique dynamic to the tank ecosystem. Here are some excellent options to consider:

Fish Behavior and Characteristics Recommended Tankmates
Cory Catfish Peaceful, social, active scavengers that come in a variety of colors and patterns. They thrive when kept in groups of six or more. Tetras, gouramis, danios, and other peaceful community fish.
Clown Loaches Large and colorful fish that enjoy hiding among rocks and plants. They are known for their playful nature and can add a lot of personality to your tank. Tetras, gouramis, and other non-aggressive fish.
Bristlenose Plecos Hardy and peaceful fish that are adept at cleaning algae from the tank walls. Tetras, gouramis, and other peaceful community fish.

It’s important to note that bottom-dwelling fish can be sensitive to poor water quality, so regular tank maintenance is essential. Provide a variety of hiding spots and substrate materials to create a comfortable environment that mimics their natural habitat.

Image source: Bottom-Dwelling Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

Centerpiece Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

When it comes to creating a visually stunning aquarium, centerpiece fish are a must-have. These fish are the focal point of your tank and are known for their unique colors, shapes, and behavior. In a 90 gallon aquarium, you have plenty of options to choose from that will thrive in a larger tank and coexist with other fish.

One popular centerpiece fish for a 90 gallon aquarium is the angelfish. These graceful fish are known for their striking vertical stripes and long, flowing fins. Angelfish are relatively easy to care for and can coexist with other peaceful community fish. However, they can be territorial with their own species, so it’s best to keep them in pairs or single.

Another stunning centerpiece fish for a 90 gallon tank is the discus. These fish are known for their vibrant colors and circular body shape. Discus are a bit more challenging to care for and require specific water parameters, but with the right conditions, they can thrive in a 90 gallon aquarium. They do best in groups of 6 or more and should be kept with non-aggressive tankmates.

The flowerhorn cichlid is a showstopper in any aquarium. This fish is known for its unique hump on its forehead and bold coloration. Flowerhorn cichlids are more aggressive than other centerpiece fish, so they should be kept in a species-only tank or with other large, aggressive fish. They also require specific water conditions and filtration to thrive.

Centerpiece Fish Difficulty Level Temperament Recommended Tank Size
Angelfish Easy Peaceful, but can be territorial 30+ gallons
Discus Challenging Peaceful 40+ gallons
Flowerhorn Cichlid Intermediate Aggressive 75+ gallons

Centerpiece fish are a great way to add a pop of color and personality to your 90 gallon aquarium. With careful consideration of their temperament and care requirements, you can create a stunning centerpiece in your aquatic paradise.

centerpiece fish for a 90 gallon aquarium

Aggressive Fish for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

In our previous sections, we discussed community fish, cichlids, schooling fish, bottom-dwellers, and centerpiece fish for a 90 gallon aquarium. However, some aquarists prefer the challenge and thrill of keeping aggressive fish in their tanks.

Before adding aggressive fish to your 90 gallon aquarium, it’s essential to research their specific care requirements and temperament. The wrong choice of fish can lead to territorial disputes, aggression, and even death.

One popular option for an aggressive fish tank is the Oscar fish. These South American cichlids are known for their vibrancy and intelligence. However, Oscars can grow up to 16 inches and require a larger aquarium to thrive. If you plan to keep an Oscar in your 90 gallon tank, it’s important to provide ample space and hiding spots. Oscars can also be territorial, so avoid keeping them with smaller or slower-moving fish.

Another popular option for an aggressive fish tank is the Jack Dempsey fish. Also known as the electric blue cichlid, Jack Dempseys are native to Central America and can grow up to 10 inches. These fish are known for their striking colors and bold personalities. However, they can also be aggressive and territorial, especially during breeding season. Keep them with other aggressive or similar-sized fish to avoid conflicts.

If you’re looking for a predatory fish for your 90 gallon aquarium, consider the Arowana fish. These long and slender fish are known for their hunting prowess and are popular among advanced aquarists. Arowanas require ample space and pristine water conditions to thrive. They can also be skittish and may jump out of the tank, so make sure to provide a secure lid.

Remember, aggressive fish are not suitable for all aquarists and may require more advanced care and attention. Always research the specific needs and temperament of your chosen species before adding them to your 90 gallon aquarium.

aggressive fish for a 90 gallon aquarium

Maintenance and Care Tips for a 90 Gallon Aquarium

Keeping a 90 gallon aquarium requires regular maintenance to ensure the health of your fish and the overall condition of the tank. Here are some essential maintenance and care tips to help you keep your aquarium thriving:

1. Monitor Water Parameters

Water quality is critical to the well-being of your fish. Monitor the water parameters regularly, including pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Maintain the appropriate levels for your fish species to thrive. Conduct regular water changes to keep the water parameters stable and healthy.

2. Clean the Tank Regularly

Regular cleaning is essential to keep the tank healthy for your fish. Change the water regularly, clean the gravel or substrate, and remove any debris or uneaten food. Scrub the glass and decorations to remove algae buildup. Avoid using soap or chemical cleaners that can harm your fish.

3. Choose the Right Filtration System

A good filtration system is essential to keep the water clean and healthy for your fish. Choose a filter that is appropriate for the size of your tank and the needs of your fish. Maintain the filter regularly, replacing the filter media as needed.

4. Feed Your Fish Properly

Feed your fish a varied and balanced diet appropriate for their species. Overfeeding can lead to excess waste and water pollution. Avoid feeding your fish human food or treats that can be harmful to their health.

5. Watch for Signs of Illness

Be vigilant for signs of illness in your fish, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior. Treat any illnesses promptly to prevent the spread of disease to other fish in the tank. Consider isolating sick fish to prevent further contamination.

cleaning aquarium

Following these maintenance and care tips can help you create a healthy and thriving 90 gallon aquarium for your fish. Remember to conduct regular water changes, monitor the water quality, and feed your fish properly. With proper care, your fish can live long and healthy lives in their aquatic home.


As we wrap up our discussion of 90 gallon aquarium fish suggestions, we hope that our top picks have inspired you to create a beautiful and thriving aquatic environment at home. Whether you choose peaceful community fish, vibrant cichlids, schooling fish, bottom-dwellers, or even aggressive species, remember to consider their care requirements and compatibility with other fish in your tank.

With proper maintenance and care, your 90 gallon aquarium can provide endless hours of enjoyment and a visually captivating centerpiece for any room. Regular water changes, monitoring of water parameters, and the right filtration system are essential to keeping your fish healthy and happy.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, the fish you choose for your 90 gallon aquarium should reflect your personal style and preferences. Whether you prefer an active community tank or a showcase of stunning centerpiece fish, there are no limits to what you can achieve with a bit of knowledge and dedication in aquarium keeping.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of 90 gallon aquarium fish suggestions. We wish you all the best in your aquatic endeavors!


Q: What are the best fish for a 90-gallon tank?

A: The best fish for a 90-gallon tank include peaceful community fish such as tetras, barbs, and gouramis, as well as cichlids, schooling fish, bottom-dwellers like catfish, and centerpiece fish like angelfish or discus.

Q: Can aggressive fish be kept in a 90-gallon aquarium?

A: Yes, aggressive fish can be kept in a 90-gallon aquarium, but it’s important to choose compatible tankmates and provide ample space for each fish. Some suitable aggressive fish for a 90-gallon tank include certain types of cichlids or predatory fish like pike cichlids or red-tailed black sharks.

Q: How often should I clean my 90-gallon aquarium?

A: It is recommended to perform regular maintenance on your 90-gallon aquarium, including partial water changes every 1-2 weeks and cleaning the tank, filters, and decorations as needed. The frequency of cleaning will depend on the bioload of your fish and the water conditions.

Q: What are the ideal water parameters for a 90-gallon aquarium?

A: The ideal water parameters for a 90-gallon aquarium will vary depending on the specific fish species you are keeping. However, in general, a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C), a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5, and proper water hardness are recommended. It’s important to research the specific requirements of your chosen fish to ensure their optimal health.

Q: What type of filtration system should I use for a 90-gallon aquarium?

A: For a 90-gallon aquarium, it is recommended to use a high-quality canister filter or a combination of a hang-on-back filter and a sponge filter. These filtration systems provide adequate mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration to maintain water quality and keep your fish healthy.

By sinh

Greetings, fellow aquatic enthusiasts! I’m Sinh Giang, and I’m thrilled to share my lifelong passion for fish and aquariums with you. With over 8 years of dedicated experience, I’ve honed my skills to become a true professional in the art of feeding and caring for aquatic life.

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